Fill out the form below to report an incorrect detection to Bitdefender Labs. For example, if you think Bitdefender has incorrectly classified as malware a file or a website you trust (false positive). Or that it missed a threat (false negative). Once confirmed, false alarms are corrected within hours.
What is a False Positive?
In cybersecurity, a false positive detection or false alarm refers to a situation where security software incorrectly identifies a harmless file or website as a threat. It occurs when a program or webpage performs an action that appears to the antivirus program to be a virus-like activity. We strive to reduce false-positive reports to a minimum. However, Bitdefender may on occasion mistakenly flag a safe website or a legitimate file as a false positive threat.
What is a False Negative?
A false negative refers to a situation where security software fails to detect an actual threat. Bitdefender detects about 99.51% of viruses in the wild, so it is possible, although very unlikely, that a virus will get past its filters. This is mainly because new malware is released continuously and there is a time gap between when a virus is created and when we add detection for it. Other situations concern PUA/PUP programs installed with the user’s consent in bundled packages, which do not trigger an alert because the user has accepted the license agreement to use them.
Submit a File or a Website for malware analysis
(fields marked with * are mandatory)