Upgrade your product
We gladly inform you that Bitdefender 2019 was released and is ready to run on your computer. You can upgrade for free to Bitdefender 2019
Where do I locate my license key?
In order to see which is your product license key, please open Bitdefender and locate it on the left side of top bar as highlighted below.
What Operating System do I have?
In order to find out what operating system you have, please click on Start and right-click on My Computer. Then choose Properties and there you will be able to see what operating system you have.
Download Tool
You selected a Malware Category. A bdsys log would be helpful. Here's how you can create and send us one:
Download toolDownload tool
For the category you have selected an extra log would help us assist you better. Here's how you can create one and send it to us
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Our knowledgeable technicians are at your disposal 24/7! We're here to answer any question and resolve any technical issue you may be experiencing.
Bitte wählen Sie erstens die Sprache um ein E-Mail-Ticket zu öffnen.
Open an email ticket
(fields marked with * are mandatory):
Your request cannot be processed as the license key you used is not valid. Please make sure that the license key you enter in the form matches exactly the one you got when you purchased Bitdefender.
Your request could not be submitted at this moment. Please try again in a few minutes.
Thank you for asking us for help, the Bitdefender Enterprise Support Team.
Upgrade your product
We gladly inform you that Bitdefender Internet Security 2016 was released and is ready to run on your computer. You can upgrade for free to Bitdefender Internet Security 2016 (using your Windows 8 Security license key). Due to the many improvements brought to the Bitdefender Internet Security 2016 version, any issues you may have encountered with your previous version are likely solved.
Here is how to upgrade for free to Bitdefender 2016 Find out How